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governing for the corporations May 10, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : markets , add a comment

In the debate over selling extra university places to the rich there seems to be some (but not enough) embarrassment (Guardian again). Vince Cable thinks it is OK if you only sell the to corporate sponsors:

The business secretary, Vince Cable, said he was willing to look at how to expand off-quota places through company sponsorships, but he did not support children of the rich being given priority access to university.

If Daddy’s company, or daddy’s friend’s company, pays then it is OK.

transparency research May 10, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : consultation , add a comment

Next week I am going to the 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research at Rutgers-Newark. I’m giving a paper with the title Stakeholders and the Machine : Identity and the Construction of Rules on Money.

governing for the rich May 9, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : markets , 1 comment so far

For a moment reading this story in the Guardian I thought it must be April Fools Day:

Teenagers from the wealthiest families would be able to pay for extra places at the most competitive universities under government proposals that could allow institutions to charge some British students the same high fees as overseas undergraduates.

The more you have, the more you get.

jotwell: rosen recommends langevoort April 20, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : jotwell , add a comment

In today’s corporate jotwell post, Rob Rosen recommends Donald C. Langevoort, Chasing the Greased Pig Down Wall Street: A Gatekeeper’s Guide to the Psychology, Culture and Ethics of Financial Risk-taking, Cornell L. Rev. (forthcoming).

reactions to s&p move to negative outlook for the us April 18, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : rankings/ratings , 1 comment so far

1. Who do they think they are?: S&P’s Negative Call Stems From Crisis That Some Say It Caused (CNBC);Even After Missteps Credit Raters Wield Much Power (ABC News)
2. Cuts now: Lawmakers seize on Standard & Poor’s outlook in debt-ceiling debate (Washington Post blog); Standard & Poors Rings the Reality Bell (Big Government)
3. Increase taxes now: A warning of doom from Wall Street to Washington (Salon.com)

weird report title… April 12, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : language , add a comment

Proposed Legislative Competence Orders relating to Organ Donation and Cycle Paths. The document in fact relates to two separate instruments, not to a link between organ donation and cycle paths.

australia to prohibit the acquisition of asx by the singapore exchange April 7, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : markets , add a comment

Although the press release cites Australia’s history of welcoming foreign investment it also looks as though it may be an example of the sort of focus on domestic markets that AFME and SIFMA have been worrying about.

transparency April 6, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : events , add a comment

I’m speaking on Friday at a conference on Law, Finance and Legitimacy after Financial Reform at American University Washington College of Law. My paper is Transparency Is The New Opacity: Constructing Financial Regulation After The Crisis .

dood-frank symposium April 5, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : events , add a comment

On Saturday April 9 from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, the University of Miami Business Law review and International and Comparative Law review are co-hosting a Symposium on The Response to Financial Crisis and the Dodd-Frank Legislation. Topics covered will range from sovereign debt to financial scandals to the FDIC’s resolution authority to arbitration.

The cost of CLE attendance (4.5 Florida credits) is $65. RSVP to umiamiblr@gmail.com.

Update: Here is the Symposium Program.

eu commission consults on corporate governance April 5, 2011

Posted by Bradley in : consultation , add a comment

The Commission published a Green Paper on the EU Corporate Governance Framework and invites feedback via this page.