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bis quarterly review – december 2007 December 10, 2007

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Is published today, 10 December.

calm during stress December 8, 2007

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Einaudi is good for times of stress (like during exams):

some eu news December 7, 2007

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â–  The EU published a press release that states that the Rome 1 Regulation on the applicable law with respect to contracts (which replaces the Rome 1 Convention) has now been approved by the Council and the Parliament.
â–  Via EU Law Blog, the Reform Treaty (Treaty of Lisbon) has been published.
â–  Scientology may be unconstitutional in Germany.
â–  This article by Graham Booth (a UK Independence Party MEP, suggests that there are recurrent errors in the recording of votes in the Parliament.
â–  2008 is th European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

here it goes again December 7, 2007

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It’s that time of year again. We are writing, taking and grading exams. If only it were as much fun as this:

activision-vivendi business combination agreement December 6, 2007

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Is here or here.

more english – less translation December 6, 2007

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According to the BBC:

Councils should be able to translate fewer documents and signs into foreign languages in future, according to new government guidelines.
Having materials converted into other tongues discourages some people in the UK from learning English, Communities Secretary Hazel Blears is due to say.

depressing (description of) data December 6, 2007

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From Eurostat:

Between 2% of prime-aged women in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark and 46% in Malta inactive due to family responsibilities
In the EU27 in 2006, the lowest inactivity rates for women aged 25-54 were found in Slovenia (13.0%), Sweden (13.7%), Estonia (14.3%), Denmark and Finland (14.6%), while Malta (58.9%), Italy (35.7%), Greece (30.9%) and Ireland (29.5%) had the highest.
Among prime-aged women, the percentage inactive due to family responsibilities varied greatly between Member States: the United Kingdom (1.9%) had the lowest percentage, followed by Sweden (2.1%) and Denmark (2.3%). At the other end of the scale, Malta (45.9%), followed by Ireland (23.1%) and Luxembourg (21.7%) had the highest rates.

I don’t know which is worse: the idea of all these prime-aged women (they sound like cattle or cheese) or the idea that people with family responsibilities which preclude paid employment can be described in 2007 as inactive (there is a footnote which explains that what is being measured is participation in the labour force either through employment or unemployment, but still…..) The prime-aged women construct may be a result of translation: the French version of the press release refers to “les femmes de cette tranche d’âge”.

marriage and the english language December 5, 2007

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Living in Miami one takes multilingualism for granted. So, even though I have read about campaigns for English-only (or pro-English) laws in the US, I was stunned to read that the UK Government is proposing that spouses of UK citizens be required to pass an English test before being allowed to immigrate to the UK. This is another instance of the Brown Britishness fetish. In the foreword, Liam Byrne, the Minister of State for Borders and Immigration writes:

When a spouse applies for a visa to join their love [sic] ones in the UK, it is most commonly with the intention of making the UK a permanent home. We want newcomers who come here with the intention to settle to make a meaningful contribution to our society and to our economy. It is therefore right that we should consider ways to assist a foreign spouse’s integration into life here right from day one.
In April this year we introduced the Life in the UK test for all migrants applying to settle in the UK. With this requirement comes a growing need to promote the development of English language skills at an early stage. Having a pre-entry English requirement would send a clear signal to the spouse that they will be expected to acquire English language skills in order to remain with their loved ones in the UK on a permanent basis.

There are some unanswered questions about the precise terms of the proposed requirement. For example the consultation document states:

In particular we need to recognise that many spouses will already be either fluent in English (if they come from a majority Englishspeaking country) or at a relatively high level. We also need to consider how and whether a requirement might apply to those with mental health issues or physical impairment.

Will people immigrating from majority English speaking countries benefit from a presumption of English fluency? What about people who live in Miami?

lamfalussy reviewed December 5, 2007

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The Economic and Financial Affairs Council met and agreed to modify the co-operative Lamfalussy process for financial services regulation in the EU. The Council’s provisional conclusions note the need to increase input from consumers into the process. The Council:

WELCOMES the efforts already made so far by the Commission and the Level 3 committees to conduct open and transparent consultations with all interested stakeholders, but recalls its aforementioned conclusions of 5 May 2006 on the Commission White Paper, whereby it noted “also the importance of strengthening consumer input” and stressed “the need to facilitate an appropriate involvement of consumers and SMEs

In addition, the conclusions emphasise better regulation, and the need to limit gold-plating (Member States adding extra rules when they implement measures within their domestic systems) and the use of options and discretions by the Member States. And the conclusions suggest that the level 3 committees should move to qualified majority voting in order to enhance the efficiency of decisionmaking, with an understanding that the level 3 decisions are not legally binding, although non-compliers should explain their non-compliance (see also this document from CESR).

And there is no agreement on a single EU regulator or a single rule-book.

northern rock state aid December 5, 2007

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The Commission has approved the UK’s aid to Northern Rock (and there is an accompanying FAQ). The Press release states:

…the emergency liquidity assistance provided by the Bank of England on 14th September 2007, which was secured by sufficient collateral and was interest-bearing, does not constitute state aid. However the guarantee on deposits granted by the Treasury on 17th September, as well as the measures granted on 9th October, which provided further liquidity and guarantees to Northern Rock and were secured by a Treasury indemnity, do constitute state aid.
These aid measures can be authorised as rescue aid in line with the Community Guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty. Under these rules, rescue aid must be given in the form of loans or guarantees lasting no more than six months, although there are certain exceptions to these rules in the banking sector, in order to allow for prudential requirements, which have been applied in this case.
Also in line with the rules, the UK authorities have given a commitment to deliver to the Commission by 17th March 2008 a plan for Northern Rock going beyond the short term rescue. If a restructuring plan were to involve state aid, it would have to be assessed on its own merits under the rules on restructuring aid.