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brexit paper April 17, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : brexit , add a comment

Here’s a new paper on Brexit I have been working on for a while: European (Dis)Union: From the 1992 Single Market to Brexit.

how brexit will stop immigration into the uk March 22, 2017

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As businesses are forced to relocate (here airlines) or move large numbers of people to EU countries the UK will become less and less attractive as a place to live. The House of Lords European Union Committee reported this week on the significant downside to the UK of a departure without agreement to protect the UK’s non-financial services sector. The report notes:

Negotiations on a FTA and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU should recognise the link that exists between trading services and the cross-border movement of persons. The continued movement of workers and service providers in both directions is seen by the UK’s booming services sectors as necessary to support growth. Without provisions in a FTA, trade in tourism, education and health-related travel services between the UK and the EU will also be restricted.

Meanwhile, the House of Commons Justice Committee reports on the UK’s continuing need to collaborate with the EU on criminal and civil justice after Brexit.
But despite all this it looks as though the notification will be made next week.

policy: slogans or complexity? February 27, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : governance , add a comment

Nobody knew it could be so complicated. Actually, anyone who thought about it for more than 30 seconds knew it was very complicated.

a reflection on lawyer-legislator ethics February 11, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : governance , add a comment

The Florida House of Representatives features on its website quite prominently a Public Guide to Florida House of Representatives Rules Changes with a subtitle of “Ushering a New Level of Transparency and Accountability Revolutionizing State Government. Most of the document relates to lobbying- for example legislators should not fly on private planes owned by lobbyists or corporations that employ lobbyists (and Rule 15.3 of the House Rules specifies that the ban applies even were the representative to pay for the flight). But perhaps there are some other issues they might concentrate on.
Rule 15.2 of the House Rules states:

The Integrity of the House. A member shall respect and comply with the law and shall perform at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and independence of the House and of the Legislature. Each member shall perform at all times in a manner that promotes a professional environment in the House, which shall be free from unlawful employment discrimination.

I am not sure how promoting legislation that could be seen as conducive to a Representative’s personal financial interests as a personal injury lawyer, especially legislation that is drafted so ambiguously as to open up a wealth of litigation possibilities, can possibly be seen as promoting public confidence in the integrity of the House. But perhaps that’s just me.

proposed florida abortion statute February 10, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : regulation , add a comment

The Miami Herald reported on a move in the Florida Legislature by Rep. Erin Grall, R-Vero Beach, a personal injury lawyer with the Graill Law Group in Vero Beach, Florida in an article with the title: “If you regret having abortion, proposed law would let you sue the doctor years later“. The Bill allows a woman “who suffers emotional distress as a result of a physician’s failure to obtain informed consent” (under the statute) to sue the physician for damages up to ten years after the procedure, even where there is a signed informed consent form. The buill says the claim would not be for medical malpractice and the rules on medical malpractice would not apply.
If this is a good idea, which I doubt, why not apply the same idea to other medical procedures that seem to be the source of emotional distress and other psychological problems and where people are induced into undergoing the procedures by unrealistic hopes about the difference to their lives that the procedures will make? Here I am thinking, of course, of cosmetic surgery. Everywhere you go in South Florida you see encouragements to undergo cosmetic procedures. Even when I go to the dentist I am faced with posters advertising fillers. And we know that cosmetic surgery can be expensive and lead to non-financial distress and disappointment. In the cosmetic surgery context informed consent is undermined by pervasive advertising of an endless range of products from skin creams to botox as well as adverts for surgery. So why is that not a priority for Florida lawmakers?

brexit futures: uk as friend to human rights abusers January 28, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : fundamental rights , add a comment

Theresa May’s friendly visits with Donald Trump as he orders extreme vetting for people entering the US from majority Muslim countries (but not Saudi Arabia), and Recep ErdoÄŸan (apparently she did mention human rights) raise some real questions about what Britain’s future will look like outside the EU. This is what Global Britain is going to look like?

girls doubt that women can be brilliant January 26, 2017

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It happens at age 6, according to a recent study. Thinking about the brilliant women I have known in my life, and know, I am devastated (but not really surprised). When I was in my 20s the future world I imagined for women was so much better than the one I now live in.

aals: the corporate stake in climate change response January 4, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : financial regulation , add a comment

I’ll be at the AALS in San Francisco this week, participating in a panel on climate change. I.m going to be talking about climate change as a financial stability issue based on this draft paper.

happy 2017, and how (not) to have a successful brexit January 3, 2017

Posted by Bradley in : brexit , add a comment

Get your (very experienced) ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, to resign.

jotwell: bradley on admati December 6, 2016

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Today my jot on Admati’s It Takes a Village to Maintain a Dangerous Financial System came out.